Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Menyikapi THR menjelang pilkada serentak 171 daerah tahun 2018

pulau jawa merupakan 
pulau yang mengadakan pilkada
mulai Jawa timur, jawa tengah
dan jawa barat

karena pulau jawa merupakan
centralnya pemilu di indonesia
sebagian besar penduduknya 

pelaksanaan pilkada serentak
menjadikan tolak ukur pileg
dan pilpres

pelaksanaan pemilu serentak
tinggal menunggu waktu
sudah masuk jadwal tahapan

yang akan dilaksanakan pada
rabu, 27 Juni 2017
sebanyak 17 provinsi dan
154 kabupaten/kota

pelaksanaan pemilu tidak jauh
dengan pelaksanaan hari raya
iedul fitri, perkiraan 10 hari sesudah
hari raya

menyikapi THR/tunjangan 
hari lebaran tidak bisa di pungkiri 
dari kandidat pemilu

harus jeli menyikapi pilkada
serentak 2018 hal tersebut 
bisa jadi temuan panwas 
pemilu serentak
Foto. Komisi pemilihan umum

daerah penyelenggara
pilkada serentak 2018
Provinsi: Sumatera Utara
Sumatera Selatan
Jawa Barat

Jawa Tengah
Jawa Timur
Nusa Tenggara Barat
Nusa Tenggara Timur

Kalimantan Barat
Kalimantan Timur
Sulawesi Selatan

Sulawesi Tenggara
Maluku Utara

Total: 17 provinsi
Kota Kota Serang
Kota Tangerang
Kota Bengkulu
Kota Gorontalo

Kota Jambi
Kota Bekasi
Kota Cirebon
Kota Sukabumi
Kota Bandung

Kota Banjar
Kota Bogor
Kota Tegal
Kota Malang
Kota Mojokerto

Kota Probolinggo
Kota Kediri
Kota Madiun
Kota Pontianak
Kota Palangkaraya

Kota Tarakan
Kota Pangkal Pinang
Kota Tanjung Pinang
Kota Tual
Kota Subulussalam

Kota Bima
Kota Palopo
Kota Parepare
Kota Makassar
Kota Bau-bau

Kota Kotamobagu
Kota Sawahlunto
Kota Padang Panjang
Kota Pariaman
Kota Padang

Kota Lubuklinggau
Kota Pagar Alam
Kota Prabumulih
Kota Palembang
Kota Padang Sidempuan

Total: 39 kota
Kabupaten Kab Aceh Selatan
Kab Pidie Jaya
Kab Padang Lawas Utara
Kab Batu Bara
Kab Padang Lawas

Kab Langkat
Kab Deli Serdang
Kab Tapanuli Utara
Kab Dairi
Kab Indragiri Hilir

Kab Merangin
Kab Kerinci
Kab Muara Enim
Kab Empat Lawang
Kab Banyuasin

Kab Lahat
Kab Ogan Komering Ilir
Kab Tanggamus
Kab Lampung Utara
Kab Bangka

Kab Belitung
Kab Purwakarta
Kab Bandung Barat
Kab Sumedang
Kab Kuningan

Kab Majalengka
Kab Subang
Kab Bogor
Kab Garut
Kab Cirebon

Kab Ciamis
Kab Banyumas
Kab Temanggung
Kab Kudus
Kab Karanganyar

Kab Tegal
Kab Magelang
Kab Probolinggo
Kab Sampang
Kab Bangkalan

Kab Bojonegoro
Kab Nganjuk
Kab Pamekasan
Kab Tulungagung
Kab Pasuruan

Kab Magetan
Kab Madiun
Kab Lumajang
Kab Bondowoso
Kab Jombang

Kab Tangerang
Kab Lebak
Kab Gianyar
Kab Klungkung
Kab Lombok Timurk

Kab Lombok Barat
Kab Sikka
Kab Sumba Tengah
Kab Nagekeo
Kab Rote Ndao

Kab Manggarai Timur
Kab Timor Tengah Selatan
Kab Alor
Kab Kupang
Kab Ende

Kab Sumba Barat Daya
Kab Kayong Utara
Kab Sanggau
Kab Kubu Raya
Kab Pontianak

Kab Kapuas
Kab Sukamara   

Kab Lamandau
Kab Seruyan
Kab Katingan

Kab Pulang Pisau
Kab Murung Raya
Kab Barito Timur
Kab Barito Utara
Kab Gunung Mas

Kab Barito Kuala
Kab Tapin
Kab Hulu Sungai Selatan
Kab Tanah Laut
Kab Tabalong

Kab Panajam Pasut
Kab Minahasa
Kab Bolmong Utara
Kab Sitaro
Kab Minahasa Tenggara

Kab Kep Talaud
Kab Morowali
Kab Parigi Moutong
Kab Donggala
Kab Bone

Kab Sinjai
Kab Bantaeng
Kab Enrekang
Kab Sidereng Rappang
Kab Jeneponto

Kab Wajo 
Kab Luwu
Kab Pinrang
Kab Kolaka
Kab Gorontalo Utara

Kab Mamasa
Kab Polewali Mandar
Kab Maluku Tenggara
Kab Membramo Tengah
Kab Paniai

Kab Puncak
Kab Deiyai
Kab Jayawijaya
Kab Biak Numfor
Kab Mimika

Total: 115 kabupaten 

2 days Ciamis was hit by a tornado of hundreds of damaged houses

The first day

Natural disasters in Kab. Ciamis
hit hundreds of damaged houses
due to the whirlwind

no signs of the wind
for the occurrence of a tornado

the incident is so fast
destroying houses of citizens

precisely in the District of Rajadesa and
District Jatinegara

Survey results on location
that struck the unfortunate still exist
who has not repaired his residence

there are still residents who evacuate
in place of his brother, neighbor
which is not struck by disaster

temporary data damage
from Rajadesa district
the village of Sirnajaya 225 units
your village of 18 units

Jatinagara sub-district 148 units

Still need a helping hand from
government agencies concerned for
provide assistance in the form
food, medicine and clothing

The incident took place
Thursday, February 1, 2018
at around 14:30 pm

The second day

Toward the next day
Friday, 02 Feb 2018
the wind again knocked down the trees
thus disconnecting the PLN network

until power outages in the region
urban Ciamis office complex
in Imbanegara, Pawindan, Panyingkiran
Kec. Sukadana and Kecamatan Cipaku.

Video of a whirlwind.

Natural hurricanes
new times this happens to the area
Rajadesa sub-district and
Jatinegara sub-district is so big

from the interim results
no casualties
who died only minor injuries.

Natural disasters that occur
is there anything to do with
implementation of elections in ciamis district

hopefully this is not a sign
bad for the election.

Society together
work together to clear up
the remains of the tornado.

On the implementation of gotong royong
something a bit strange on
the crowd of citizens
many want to shake hands.

The author is trying to get close
crowd of residents

because it was still raining
turned out to be one of the candidates
candidate of Regent of Ciamis that is H.Herdiat

participate in monitoring the events of natural disasters
along with Rajadesa District volunteers
and District Jatinegara.

Impressions seen on the visit
H.Herdiat on the event
natural tornado disasters

one of the social figures
accommodating, authoritative.

So the author tried
to find related information
background H. Herdiat

not long enough for authors
search for related information
one candidate regent of ciamis.

It's amazingly myriad
achievements include
one of the candidates bupati ciamis
who has a Doctorate degree.

Hopefully ciamis better
and kept away from natural disasters. Amen

Sunday, February 11, 2018


Understanding air pollution is the entry, or mixing of harmful elements into the atmosphere that can lead to environmental damage, disruption to human health and generally reduce the quality of the environment. Air pollution can occur everywhere such as in the home, school, office or commonly referred to as indoor pollution.

Based on research conducted by JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) and Bapendal in 1995 and the ADB study in collaboration with KLH in 2001, motor vehicles contribute more than 70% to air pollution in major cities in Indonesia, especially in cities big.

Efforts to control the pollution of the environment for the air at this time is still sectoral, both legislative and institutional. Legislation in kaitanya in the effort to overcome the contamination of a national nature is the law no. 4 of 1982 on the basic provisions of environmental management. Prior to the issuance of the law, the forms of legislation are sectoral in accordance with the authority of the agency or department in the management of the underlying activities. The form of these regulations in the form of regulations, instructions or ministerial decree or central level or department while for the regional level in the form of regional regulations or decisions of the Governor. Some regulations on pollution control measures such as those applied to:

· The industrial sector
· Mining sector and
· Transportation sector (motor vehicle)

Changes in the air environment are generally caused by air pollution, ie the input of pollutants (in the form of gases and small particles / aerosols) into the air. The entry of pollutants into the air can naturally, such as smoke, forest fires, volcanoes, meteorite dust and salt emissions from the ocean, also largely caused by human activities. For example due to transportation activities (motor vehicles), industrial waste disposal from factories or household waste.

Damage at the time of vehicle combustion can increase air pollution, which can be seen from the high content of hydrocarbon (HC). This may be due to various factors, such as leaks in the vacuum system, ignition systems that do not work properly, damage to the engine control unit, damage to the sensor oxygen,

Vehicle is one of the important transportation factors that will directly affect the number of vehicles in Bandung and the intensity of air pollutant emissions released by motor vehicles to the atmosphere. Currently the motorcycle is no longer just a means of transportation, but also a part of the owner's lifestyle. Based on data from AISI (Motorcycle Industry Association) until the first semester of 2008, sales jumped 44.3% compared to same period in 2007 with accumulative sales volume in first semester 2008 amounted to 3,055,327 units and for 2007 2,116,933 units ducks still dominate the market with the percentage of duck by 68%, skutermatik 22.6% and sport by 9.4%. The picture below shows how many motor vehicles are parked in the parking lot, photos taken at the parking lot UNPAS Jl DR. Setiabudhi No193 Bandung.






因此,随着总督对两轮车辆和四轮车用户的决定可以减少车辆的废气排放。车辆废气排放的法律保护如下:o当地法规(Perda)no。 2006年11施加到和邻机动车的所有者需要melakuakan机动车排放的检查和由车间tertunjuk执行以下调速(调节)在2008年的命令(第64(1)2001年第10号法规)。 o一个机动车辆不符合排放限制的要求按照1992年14法和地方法规的第67条(规定)03 2005条被处罚22(3)和第49条1.2问题的鉴定废气排放通过机动车辆发射里面已经包含了一氧化碳,没有异味,但是如果一氧化碳浓度足够的话,会使尾气排放有毒。不仅仅是一氧化碳,而且还有二氧化碳,当吸入时会使人变得窒息。在2008年之前用125毫升的发动机下制造必须是85分贝(分贝)的新的摩托车排气噪音水平,同时用90个分贝以上的125毫升的噪声电平的发动机的摩托车。然而,摩托车的噪声电平是从2008年生产上述应减少到80分贝(分贝)为下125毫升的机器和85分贝超过125毫升的发动机。




The exhaust gas discharge system in the vehicle has two main functions, among others, first is to distribute the combustion gas from inside the cylinder to the atmosphere without disturbing or endangering the passengers in the vehicle and the surrounding community, the second is the silencer caused by the combustion of the exhaust gas into the atmosphere . The gas generated by fuel combustion has a very high pressure, when this high pressure gas passes through (exhaust manifold) and encounters cold air, the collision between gas and cold air will cause shock waves of a very loud explosion.

The sound of this explosion if not softened of course very disturbing both passenger cars or people who are around the vehicle. Air pollution is essentially particle shape (dust, aerosol, lead) and gas (CO, NOx, SOx, H2S). The polluted air in the form of particles and gases can cause different health levels and types depending on their size and chemical composition. The disorder is primarily the function of organs such as the lungs and blood vessels, or irritating the eyes and skin. Air pollution due to dust particles usually causes chronic respiratory diseases such as chronic bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema, bronchial asthma and even lung. Especially with the location of the city of Bandung-shaped basin, air pollution caused by motor vehicle exhaust and from the factories will be silent on the lowest area (basin).

The shape of the exhaust is made in such a way as to avoid any disruption that may arise between the exhaust process of each of the cylinders in the engine, thus the main object in the manifold shape is to produce the process of exhaust gas discharging on the exhaust smoothly. The back pressure of the flue gas is an inevitable fact by the machine, the magnitude or the small back pressure depends on several factors such as the manifold shape, the exhaust pipes and the silencers. To reduce the back pressure effect, the designer has tried to find a way out, so now the most important thing is to try to reduce the explosion noise as much as possible and reduce emissions with minimal restrictions on exhaust flows not above the threshold value (NAB) the English language is known as the threshold limit value (TLV) that has been determined, because the year 2008 will decrease the Governor's decision on exhaust from vehicles or exhaust emissions.

So with the decision of the Governor of the users of both the two-wheeled vehicles and four wheels can reduce exhaust emissions from vehicles. Legal protection of vehicle exhaust emissions is as follows: o Local regulation (Perda) no. Law No. 11 of 2006 shall be enacted and following the mandate of the Governor (Pergub) of 2008. o Owners of motor vehicles shall conduct inspections of vehicle emissions and shall be carried out by designated workshops (Law 64 (1) Perda No.10 Year 2001). o Motor vehicles that do not meet the requirements of emission limits are subject to sanctions in accordance with article 67 of Law No.14 of 1992 and regional regulations (Perda) 03 of 2005 Article 22 (3) and Article 49. 1.2 Problem Identification Emission of exhaust gases issued by motor vehicles in it already includes carbon monoxide that does not smell, but if carbon monoxide is in sufficient concentration, it will make the exhaust emissions toxic. Not only carbon monoxide alone, but there is also carbon dioxide that will make humans become suffocated when sucked. New motorcycle exhaust noise levels produced before 2008 with engines below 125 cc should be 85 dBA (decibels), while motorcycles with engines above 125 cc noise levels of 90 decibels. However, the noise levels of motorcycles produced from 2008 upwards should be reduced to 80 dBA (decibels) for engines under 125 cc and 85 dBA for engines above 125 cc.

Based on data from AISI (Motorcycle Industry Association) until the first semester of 2008, sales jumped 44.3% compared to same period in 2007 with accumulative sales volume in first semester 2008 amounted to 3,055,327 units and for 2007 2,116,933 units ducks still dominate the market with the percentage of duck by 68%, skutermatik 22.6% and sport by 9.4% (ditinjukan in table 1.2). Indonesia's market absorption with a population of 217 million is indeed remarkable. Now Indonesia has become the third largest country in the world motorcycle market. Indonesia has successfully passed the countries of Europe, Thailand, Japan, and Taiwan. It made Indonesia third after India ranked second and China in first place.


A. Concepts

1. Learning is the process of interaction between learners, between learners and educators, and between participants and other learning resources in an educational environment that takes place educatively, so that learners can build attitudes, knowledge and skills to achieve the goals set.Proses learning is a process that contains a series of activities ranging from planning, implementation to assessment.

2. Learning model is a conceptual framework used as a guide in conducting learning systematically arranged to achieve learning objectives related to syntax, social systems, reaction principles and support systems (Joice & Wells). Meanwhile, according to "Arends in Trianto", said "learning model is a plan or a pattern used as a guide in planning learning in the classroom.

B. Description

1. Learning principles include: (1) learners are facilitated to find out, (2) learners learn from various learning sources, (3) learning process using scientific approach, (4) competency-based learning, (5) integrated learning , (6) learning that emphasizes divergent answers that have multi-dimensional truths, (7) aplicative skill-based learning, (8) improvement of balance, continuity, and linkage between hard-skills and soft-skills; (9) and empowering learners as lifelong learners, (10) learning that applies values ​​by giving emulation (ing ngarso sung tulodo), building willingness (ingmadyo mangun karso), and developing the creativity of the participants in the learning process (tut wuri handayani), (11) ) learning taking place at home, at school, and in the community, (12) utilization of information and communication technology to increase (13) recognition of individual differences and the cultural background of learners, and (14) the learning atmosphere is fun and challenging.

2. Learning model refers to the learning approaches to be used, including instructional objectives, stages in learning activities, learning environments, and classroom management.

3. The purpose of the use of learning model as a strategy of how the learning can help students develop themselves in the form of information, ideas, value skills and ways of thinking in improving the capacity to think clearly, wisely and build social skills and commitment (Joice & Wells) .

4. Learning model has four special characteristics, namely:

a. The logical theoretical rationale composed by the creators or developers. The learning model has a reasonable thinking theory. That is, the creators or developers make the theory by considering the theory with the real fact and not fictitious in creating and mengembangankannya.

b. The foundation of thinking about what and how students learn (the learning objectives to be achieved). The learning model has clear goals on what to achieve, including what and how students learn well and how to solve a learning problem.

c. Teaching behavior is necessary for the model to be successfully implemented. The learning model has the necessary teaching behavior so that what has been the goal of teaching so far can be successful in its implementation.

d. The learning environment needed for the learning objectives can be achieved. Learning model has a conducive learning environment and comfortable, so that learning atmosphere can be one of the supporting aspects of what has been the goal of learning. (Trianto, 2010).

5. Choosing or determining the model of learning is strongly influenced by the characteristics of Basic Competence (KD), the objectives to be achieved in teaching, the nature of the material to be taught, and the level of ability of learners. In addition, each learning model has stages (syntax) that students can do with teacher guidance.

6. Implementation of learning with scientific thinking process (scientific) as applied to the curriculum 2013, should be synchronized with the steps / stages of work (syntax) learning model.

The 2013 curriculum uses 3 (three) main learning models (Permendikbud No. 103 of 2014) which are expected to shape scientific behavior, social behavior and develop curiosity. The three models are: Problem Based Learning model, Project Based Learning model, and Discovery / Inquiry Learning model of Learning. Discs


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