Sunday, February 11, 2018


A. Concepts

1. Learning is the process of interaction between learners, between learners and educators, and between participants and other learning resources in an educational environment that takes place educatively, so that learners can build attitudes, knowledge and skills to achieve the goals set.Proses learning is a process that contains a series of activities ranging from planning, implementation to assessment.

2. Learning model is a conceptual framework used as a guide in conducting learning systematically arranged to achieve learning objectives related to syntax, social systems, reaction principles and support systems (Joice & Wells). Meanwhile, according to "Arends in Trianto", said "learning model is a plan or a pattern used as a guide in planning learning in the classroom.

B. Description

1. Learning principles include: (1) learners are facilitated to find out, (2) learners learn from various learning sources, (3) learning process using scientific approach, (4) competency-based learning, (5) integrated learning , (6) learning that emphasizes divergent answers that have multi-dimensional truths, (7) aplicative skill-based learning, (8) improvement of balance, continuity, and linkage between hard-skills and soft-skills; (9) and empowering learners as lifelong learners, (10) learning that applies values ​​by giving emulation (ing ngarso sung tulodo), building willingness (ingmadyo mangun karso), and developing the creativity of the participants in the learning process (tut wuri handayani), (11) ) learning taking place at home, at school, and in the community, (12) utilization of information and communication technology to increase (13) recognition of individual differences and the cultural background of learners, and (14) the learning atmosphere is fun and challenging.

2. Learning model refers to the learning approaches to be used, including instructional objectives, stages in learning activities, learning environments, and classroom management.

3. The purpose of the use of learning model as a strategy of how the learning can help students develop themselves in the form of information, ideas, value skills and ways of thinking in improving the capacity to think clearly, wisely and build social skills and commitment (Joice & Wells) .

4. Learning model has four special characteristics, namely:

a. The logical theoretical rationale composed by the creators or developers. The learning model has a reasonable thinking theory. That is, the creators or developers make the theory by considering the theory with the real fact and not fictitious in creating and mengembangankannya.

b. The foundation of thinking about what and how students learn (the learning objectives to be achieved). The learning model has clear goals on what to achieve, including what and how students learn well and how to solve a learning problem.

c. Teaching behavior is necessary for the model to be successfully implemented. The learning model has the necessary teaching behavior so that what has been the goal of teaching so far can be successful in its implementation.

d. The learning environment needed for the learning objectives can be achieved. Learning model has a conducive learning environment and comfortable, so that learning atmosphere can be one of the supporting aspects of what has been the goal of learning. (Trianto, 2010).

5. Choosing or determining the model of learning is strongly influenced by the characteristics of Basic Competence (KD), the objectives to be achieved in teaching, the nature of the material to be taught, and the level of ability of learners. In addition, each learning model has stages (syntax) that students can do with teacher guidance.

6. Implementation of learning with scientific thinking process (scientific) as applied to the curriculum 2013, should be synchronized with the steps / stages of work (syntax) learning model.

The 2013 curriculum uses 3 (three) main learning models (Permendikbud No. 103 of 2014) which are expected to shape scientific behavior, social behavior and develop curiosity. The three models are: Problem Based Learning model, Project Based Learning model, and Discovery / Inquiry Learning model of Learning. Discs

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