The exhaust gas discharge system in the vehicle has two main functions, among others, first is to distribute the combustion gas from inside the cylinder to the atmosphere without disturbing or endangering the passengers in the vehicle and the surrounding community, the second is the silencer caused by the combustion of the exhaust gas into the atmosphere . The gas generated by fuel combustion has a very high pressure, when this high pressure gas passes through (exhaust manifold) and encounters cold air, the collision between gas and cold air will cause shock waves of a very loud explosion.
The sound of this explosion if not softened of course very disturbing both passenger cars or people who are around the vehicle. Air pollution is essentially particle shape (dust, aerosol, lead) and gas (CO, NOx, SOx, H2S). The polluted air in the form of particles and gases can cause different health levels and types depending on their size and chemical composition. The disorder is primarily the function of organs such as the lungs and blood vessels, or irritating the eyes and skin. Air pollution due to dust particles usually causes chronic respiratory diseases such as chronic bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema, bronchial asthma and even lung. Especially with the location of the city of Bandung-shaped basin, air pollution caused by motor vehicle exhaust and from the factories will be silent on the lowest area (basin).
The shape of the exhaust is made in such a way as to avoid any disruption that may arise between the exhaust process of each of the cylinders in the engine, thus the main object in the manifold shape is to produce the process of exhaust gas discharging on the exhaust smoothly. The back pressure of the flue gas is an inevitable fact by the machine, the magnitude or the small back pressure depends on several factors such as the manifold shape, the exhaust pipes and the silencers. To reduce the back pressure effect, the designer has tried to find a way out, so now the most important thing is to try to reduce the explosion noise as much as possible and reduce emissions with minimal restrictions on exhaust flows not above the threshold value (NAB) the English language is known as the threshold limit value (TLV) that has been determined, because the year 2008 will decrease the Governor's decision on exhaust from vehicles or exhaust emissions.
So with the decision of the Governor of the users of both the two-wheeled vehicles and four wheels can reduce exhaust emissions from vehicles. Legal protection of vehicle exhaust emissions is as follows: o Local regulation (Perda) no. Law No. 11 of 2006 shall be enacted and following the mandate of the Governor (Pergub) of 2008. o Owners of motor vehicles shall conduct inspections of vehicle emissions and shall be carried out by designated workshops (Law 64 (1) Perda No.10 Year 2001). o Motor vehicles that do not meet the requirements of emission limits are subject to sanctions in accordance with article 67 of Law No.14 of 1992 and regional regulations (Perda) 03 of 2005 Article 22 (3) and Article 49. 1.2 Problem Identification Emission of exhaust gases issued by motor vehicles in it already includes carbon monoxide that does not smell, but if carbon monoxide is in sufficient concentration, it will make the exhaust emissions toxic. Not only carbon monoxide alone, but there is also carbon dioxide that will make humans become suffocated when sucked. New motorcycle exhaust noise levels produced before 2008 with engines below 125 cc should be 85 dBA (decibels), while motorcycles with engines above 125 cc noise levels of 90 decibels. However, the noise levels of motorcycles produced from 2008 upwards should be reduced to 80 dBA (decibels) for engines under 125 cc and 85 dBA for engines above 125 cc.
Based on data from AISI (Motorcycle Industry Association) until the first semester of 2008, sales jumped 44.3% compared to same period in 2007 with accumulative sales volume in first semester 2008 amounted to 3,055,327 units and for 2007 2,116,933 units ducks still dominate the market with the percentage of duck by 68%, skutermatik 22.6% and sport by 9.4% (ditinjukan in table 1.2). Indonesia's market absorption with a population of 217 million is indeed remarkable. Now Indonesia has become the third largest country in the world motorcycle market. Indonesia has successfully passed the countries of Europe, Thailand, Japan, and Taiwan. It made Indonesia third after India ranked second and China in first place.
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