Sunday, February 11, 2018


As stipulated in Government Regulation Number 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards, each school / madrasah develops Education Unit Level Curriculum based on Graduate Competency Standards (SCL) and Content Standards (SI).

KTSP is prepared by referring to the integrated Curriculum 2013 implementation guidelines in curriculum implementation training materials as well as taking into account the relevant Ministerial Regulations and Culture published in 2013 and the basis of their implementation.

In addition to paying attention to the character of the implementation of the curriculum 2013, schools consider all the resources that schools have to realize the benefits of school by referring to the national education stadar. The main axis of consideration is how to formulate the quality of graduates that schools expect that are proportionate in the form of graduate quality indicators as a basis for the development of other standards.

Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) is composed of cooperation from various parties. The Principal would like to thank all parties involved both directly and indirectly in the preparation of this KTSP, and we especially express our appreciation and gratitude to the education unit level curriculum development team that has struggled so that we can complete the documents at the required time.



1. Principal as Educator

a. Guiding teachers in terms of developing and implementing teaching programs, evaluating learning outcomes and implementing teaching and remedial programs.

b. Guiding employees in terms of arranging work programs and performing daily tasks.
c. Guiding students in extra-curricular activities, OSIS and following out-of-school competition.
d. Developing staff through education / training, through meetings, seminars and discussions, providing reading materials, taking note of promotions, proposing promotions through selection of future Principals.
e. Following the development of science and technology through education / training, meetings, seminars, discussions and materials.

2. Principal as Manager (Manager)

a. Managing the administration of learning activities and counseling guidance by having complete data administration teaching and learning activities and completeness of counseling guidance administration.

b. Managing student administration by having complete student administration data and extra curricular activities.
c. Manage the administration of personnel by having administrative data of teachers and Administration.
d. Manage financial administration Routine, BOS, and Committee.
e. Managing the administration of facilities / infrastructure either building administration / space, furniture, laboratory equipment, library.

3. Principal as Administrative Manager (Administrator)

a. Develop work programs, both short term, medium and long term.

b. Arrange the organization of school work both Wakasek, Principal Assistant, Walikelas, Kasubag Administration, Treasurer, and Supporting Personnel such as library builder, scout, OSIS, Sports. Personnel of temporary activities, such as Examination Committee, commemorative commemorative national or religious commemoration and so on.
c. Mobilize staff / teachers / employees by providing direction and coordinating the implementation of tasks.
d. Optimizing human resources optimally, utilizing facilities / infrastructure optimally and maintaining school infrastructure.

4. Principal as Supervisor (Supervisor)

a. Developing classroom supervision, monitoring and evaluation programs.

b. Implement supervision program.
c. Utilize the results of supervision to improve the performance of teachers / employees and for school development.

5. Principal as Leader (Leader)

a. Having a strong, honest, confident, responsible, brave and risky personality.

b. Understand the condition of teachers, employees and students.
c. Have a vision and understand the mission of the school carried.
d. Able to take decisions both internal and external affairs.
e. Able to communicate well orally or in writing.

6. Principal as a reformer (Innovator)

a. Be able to search, find and adopt new ideas from others.

b. Able to update in teaching and learning activities and guidance counseling, procurement and guidance of teachers and employees, extra curricular activities and able to update in digging human resources in the Committee and the community.

7. Principal as a Driver (Motivator)

a. Able to set up work environment.

b. Able to manage the implementation of an adequate working atmosphere.
c. Able to apply the principles of rewarding and punishment sanctions in accordance with applicable rules.



Assist and be responsible to the Principal in:

1. Arranging planning, making program activities and implementation programs

2. Organizing
3. Briefing
4. Energy
5. Coordination
6. Supervision
7. Assessment
8. Identification and data collection
9. Representing Headmaster for attending meetings especially related to education issues
10. Make a report periodically



Assist and be responsible to the Principal in:

1. Develop a teaching program

2. Prepare and describe the educational calendar
3. Prepare the division of teacher tasks and lesson schedules
4. Develop a schedule of evaluation of learning and the implementation of the final exam
5. Apply the criteria for class increase and graduate requirements
6. Schedule acceptance report cards and STTB
7. Coordinate, arrange and direct the preparation of the completeness of teaching
8. Organize the implementation of improvement programs and enrichment
9. Set up the MGMP / MGBP development and subject coordinator
10. Conducting supervision of academic administration
11. Do archiving curriculum programs
12. Preparation of reports on a regular basis

doing 3 stages for held an event adventure trail

doing 3 stages for
held an event adventure trail

held an event adventur trail
not free to pack the event
good lanes, gifts and entertainment

stages to be prepared
by the committee needed
three stages .....

before discussing it
preview the following video

vedeo trail adventure

the video is

event activities from the author
followed by 1600 participants
by doing 3 stages
which will be explained

regards .... gass polll ......

before doing the three stages
create an agenda of activities
of the three stages

Stages include

1. preparation

preparing ATK for activities
along with licenses for trabas
very important as it concerns
implementation of activities

from the authorities
including local government
police, IMI West Java

next determine the event schedule
the success of the event is determined
by specifying the day of activity

look for a calendar holiday
both national holidays
or joint leave

not less important that is
committee of trabas event publication

both media publications
print, electronic
as well as individuals

it is very important
remember it will not succeed
trabas event without any publication

2. event implementation

successful trabas event is needed
solid teamwork

it takes a committee who understand
with trabas event

we understand first language
trabas means
lovers of trail bikes
by using extreme path

the committee in need
on the implementation event

it takes 70 committees
both the registration committee
as well as the committee on the track

3. sweep team

not mean after the event
have to broom ...... heee

sweeper team on duty
checking the participants
which is still on track

due to the official event
there are special standards
for distance traveled

so there is a possibility
participants there are trabel

Respond to THR ahead pilkada simultaneously 171 regions

Respond to THR ahead
pilkada simultaneously 171 regions

Java islands
islands that hold elections
from east java, central java
and west java

because the island of Java is
central election in indonesia
most of the population is large

the implementation of elections simultaneously
make pilipres benchmarks
and pileg

simultaneous elections
just waiting time
already entered the stage schedule

which will be held on
Wednesday, June 27, 2017
as many as 17 provinces and
154 districts / cities

the election is not far away
with the execution of the holiday
iedul fitri, forecast 10 days after

addressing THR / Idul Fit allowance
can not be denied from
election candidates

should be keen to respond to elections
in unison 2018
it could be a finding
election constituent elections

Photo. General Election Commissions

area organizer
elections simultaneously 2018


North Sumatra
South Sumatra
West Java
Central Java
East Java
West Nusa Tenggara
East Nusa Tenggara
West Kalimantan
East Kalimantan
South Sulawesi
Southeast Sulawesi
North Maluku

Total: 17 provinces


Serang City
City of Tangerang
City of Bengkulu
City of Gorontalo
City of Jambi
Bekasi city
City of Cirebon
Sukabumi City
City of Banjar
Bogor city
Tegal City
Malang city
City of Mojokerto
City of Probolinggo
City of Kediri
Madiun City
Pontianak City
City of Palangkaraya
City of Tarakan
Pangkal Pinang City
City of Tanjung Pinang
Tual City
Subulussalam City
Kota Bima
City of Palopo
City of Parepare
Makassar city
City Bau-bau
City of Kotamobagu
City of Sawahlunto
Padang Panjang City
Pariaman City
Padang city
City of Lubuklinggau
City of Pagar Alam
City of Prabumulih
Palembang city
City of Padang Sidempuan

Total: 39 cities


Kab Aceh Selatan
Kab Pidie Jaya
Kab Padang Lawas Utara
Coal District
Padang Lawas District
Kab Langkat
Kab Deli Serdang
Kab Tapanuli Utara
Kab Dairi
Kab Indragiri Hilir
Merangin District
Kab Kerinci
Kab Muara Enim
Kab Four Lawang
Kab Banyuasin
Kab Lahat
Kab Ogan Komering Ilir
Kab Tanggamus
North Lampung District
Kab Bangka
Belitung District
Kab Purwakarta
Kab Bandung West
Kab Sumedang
Kab Kuningan
Kab Majalengka
Kab Subang
Kab Bogor
Garut regency
Kab Cirebon
Kab Ciamis
Kab Banyumas
Temanggung District
Holy Kab
Kab Karanganyar
Kab Tegal
Kab Magelang
Kab Probolinggo
Sampang District
Bangkalan District
Kab Bojonegoro
Kab Nganjuk
Pamekasan District
Kab Tulungagung
Kab Pasuruan
Magetan Regency
Madiun District
Kab Lumajang
Kab Bondowoso
Jombang District
Kab Tangerang
Kab Lebak
Kab Gianyar
Kab Klungkung
Kab Lombok Timur
Kab Lombok Barat
Kab Sikka
Central Sumba Regency
Kab Nagekeo
Kab Rote Ndao
Regency of East Manggarai
South Central Timor District
Kab Alor
Kupang District
Kab Ende
District of Southwest Sumba
North Kayong District
Sanggau District
Kubu Raya District
Pontianak District
Kab Kapuas
Sukamara Kab
Kab Lamandau
Kab Seruyan
Kab Katingan
Kab Pulang Knives
Kab Murung Raya
Kab Barito East
North Barito District
Kab Gunung Mas
Kab Barito Kuala
Kab Tapin
Kab Hulu Sungai Selatan
Tanah Laut District
Tabalong District
Kab Panajam Pasut
Minahasa District
Kab Bolmong Utara
Sitaro District
South Minahasa Regency
Kab Kep Talaud
Kab Morowali
Kab Parigi Moutong
Donggala District
Bone Kab
Kab Sinjai
Kab Bantaeng
Kab Enrekang
Kab Sidereng Rappang
Jeneponto Kab
Kab Wajo
Kab Luwu
Pinrang District
Kab Kolaka
Kab Gorontalo Utara
Kab Mamasa
Kab Polewali Mandar
Kab Maluku Tenggara
Central Kabramo District
Kab Paniai
Peak District
Kab Deiyai
Kab Jayawijaya
Biak Numfor District
Kab Mimika

Total: 115 districts

الدافع ليكون المعلم إنجازه

الدافع ليكون المعلم إنجازه

هدف أن يصبح معلما
هو خلق هذا الطالب
الإنجاز، هو عليه
تصبح فخر للمعلمين

لأن خدمات المعلمين لا يمكن
يحكم عليها المواد

لماذا المعلمين البقاء على قيد الحياة دائما
لأن كل صباح للترحيب بالأطفال
والصلاة الطلاب

لماذا المعلمين الصغار
لأنه يعمل دائما مع
مليئة بالسعادة كذلك
صدق مرافقة الطلاب
وهذا هو دينامية

لماذا المعلم كثيرا من أفعاله
لأن كل لحظة هو مع
إخلاس يدعو معرفته
على الطلاب

لماذا المعلم جديرة جدا
لأننا جميعا يمكن أن يحضر
القراءة والكتابة كذلك
أي مهنة بسبب خدماته

لماذا المعلم في وقت لاحق
كان مباركة مع الفرح
لأنه على الرغم من وفاته
يمكن أن يكون لا يزال عنصر مكافأة
لأن خياله العلمي الخيري
تنطق طلابه

ثم .....
طوبى المعلمين
الأم، والد يكون المجد
في العالم وفي الأخرات
هذا واحد
الدافع ليكون المعلم إنجازه

شريطة أن نقوم بالمهمة
دينياتي العبادة وكذلك مع كامل
الصبر والاخلاص
دليل / مرافقة
الطلاب الذين يعهد إليهم

الله اليوم وغدا
والصحة، والصبر، والإخلاص
والإخلاص لنا جميعا
يا المعلم ... أمين

Motivation to be an accomplished teacher

Motivation to be an accomplished teacher

the goal of becoming a teacher
is the creation of that student
achievement, it is
become a pride for teachers

because the services of teachers can not
judged by material

why teachers always survive
because every morning to welcome children
and students praying

why teachers are young
because it always works with
full of happiness as well
sincerity accompany students
that is dynamic

why the teacher much of his deeds
because every moment he is with
Ikhlas invites his knowledge
on students

why the teacher is very meritorious
because we all can attend
reading and writing as well
any profession because of his services

why the teacher later
He was blessed with joy
because despite his death
can still be a reward item
because his science fiction charity
pronounce his students

Blessed are the teachers
mother, father will be glory
in the world and in the akherat
that's one
motivation to be an accomplished teacher

provided that we perform the task
diniati worship as well as with full
patience and sincerity
guide / accompany
the students who are entrusted to us

may Allah SWT give
health, patience, sincerity
and sincerity for all of us
oh the teacher ... amin

Jurusan SMK langka yang gajinya besar

Jurusan SMK langka  yang gajinya besar

Salah mengambil jurusan akan 
mengakibatkan bertambahnya penganguran

Sedangkan setiap tahun lulusan SMK
terus bertambah yang belum
bekerjapun masih ada

kita akan bahas jurusan apa saja 
yang akan di cari oleh perusahaan
dan yang gaji besar

untuk mengurangi tingkat penganguran
sehingga data penganguran berkurang

bingung mengambil jurusan SMK
karena begitu banyak jurusan yang ada
maupun jurusan yang paling diminati

boleh bingung tapi jangan salah 
ngambil jurusan mungkin itu 
kata yang tepat

Kita cermati  sektor mana
yang akan dikembangkan
oleh pemerintah maupun swasta

karena hal tersebut merupakan dasar
terbentuknya perusahaan ataupun
kebutuhan para alumni jurusan.

Perlu diperhatikan dalam memilih jurusan
jangan pernah bangga mengambil
jurusan yang banyak peminatnya

karena akan banyak alumni
yang akan mencari lowongan
sesuai dengan jurusan.

Berikut jurusannya.

      1. Jurusan pariwisata
sektor pariwisata

Jalan-jalan dapat uang pula
pasti mau.......

bagi yang suka traveling
jurusan pariwisata cocok pake banget
untuk mengambil jurusan ini.

Sudah dibahas di atas
jangan bangga masuk jurusan
yang banyak peminatnya

karena jurusan pariwisata
termasuk jurusan langka

pariwisata merupakan sektor
yang akan dikembangkan
baik  pemerintah maupun  swasta.

itulah peluang kerja
dibidang pariwiata

      2. Teknik gambar mesin

contoh gambar teknik

Perlu dipahami bahwa
teknik gambar itu luas cakupannya

dari mulai design/perancangan
produksi, kontruksi,manufactur.

Sedangkan untuk Jawa barat saja
ada 7 sekolah
yang ada jurusan tersebut.

Sangat masuk akal
kalau perusahaan akan mencari
para alumni yang berkopenten
di jurusannya.

Teknik gambar mesin
tidak luput dari perangkat IT
untuk itu diharapkan

calon siswa untuk selalu
mengikuti perkembangan teknologi

sehingga tidak harus
mencari lowongan kerja

baca juga

3. Teknologi pengolahan hasil pertanian

pengolahan pertanian

Jurusan pertaniaan berbanding terbalik
dengan kebutuhan masyarakat saat ini
karena dari hasil survei
jurusan pertanian kurang peminatnya.

Padahal Indonesia adalah negara agraris
Yang  dengan industri pertanian tidak pernah sepi

jurusan ini tentunya memiliki prospek
masa depan yang akan
dicari oleh perusahaan.

Secara umum,  ilumu teknologi
pengolahan hasil pertanian

mempelajari segala proses pengolahan
bahan pangan menjadi makanan
yang bisa di konsumsi.

Proses yang disebut meliputi
pengawaten,pengemasan, distribusi
dengan menjaga dan memastikan
hasil akhir aman  untuk
dikonsumsi dan tetap bergiji.

4. Animasi


Perkembangan animasi begitu cepat
sehingga banyak sekali peluang-peluang
yang akan didapat

Ada banyak peluang kerja 
untuk jurusan animasi 
baik lokal maupun internasional

seorang jurusan animasi harus 
memiliki kemampuan dasar 

Kemampuan Menggambar 
    secara Handrawing
Kemampuan Berbahasa. 
Kemampuan Secara Teori
Kemampuan Menggunakan 
   Tool Animasi

Studio Animasi
Bekerja distudio impian bagi 
semua animator apalagi kalau studio 

itu merupakan studio ternama
dengan modal skill yang mumpuni 
dan iming - iming gaji 

gajih menggiurkan 
tidak salah kalau animator 
berupaya untuk kerja 
di studio animasi.

demikian jurusan yang akan
dicari perusahaan

jangan lupa coba lihat
di web peluang kerja

klik jobstreet


     Pada kesempatan ini penulis akan membahas cara perbaikan gedung sekolah dengan mudah, karena bukan hanya perangkat adminstrasi guru saj...